We all know the song..Santa Claus is coming to town where we learn that we “better not pout” and we “better not cry”, but have you heard the new version that includes four things not to do while driving???

alertLogoDuring the month of December, everyone just seems to be on the road, all ages, shoppers, party goers, cell phone yappers and multi-tasking texters. This means that between the “Merry Christmas” phone calls and holiday party spiked eggnog, there are a lot of hazards hitting the road.

The holidays are a wonderful time of year with family and friends, but let’s face it…it is also a very stressful time of year. But, as we rush to and fro from shopping malls to holiday parties, we must remember to take precautions on the road.

The four most dangerous holiday driving hazards include:

1. Distracted Driving. We’ve all seen them, maybe even been one…a distracted driver….from texting to facebooking to mascara application, breakfast eating, and even newspaper reading, these are all the things that can increase your chances of getting into an accident.

2. Impaired Driving. This one should be simple to avoid..Just Don’t Drink and Drive! Holiday parties are suppose to be fun with lots of food and libations, but if you plan on partaking in a little the merriment by drinking alcohol, make sure your get a ride from someone who is not. This can include a friend or maybe even make a night of it and hire a limo to drive you around safety.

3. Pressured Driving. The holidays can increase your pressure and stress levels whether it is financial or just too much family togetherness. One way that people react to these pressures is by driving faster and not obeying other traffic laws like stopping at red lights and stop signs. If you are feeling the pressure of the holidays, try not to take it out on your driving.

4. Fatigued Driving. Don’t drive if you are tired because your reaction time is hampered and you may just fall asleep behind the wheel. During the holidays, people do not get as much rest because they have so much to get accomplished before Chanukah begins or Christmas Day. Take a little “Me Time” during the holidays and give yourself the gift of relaxation each day. Not only will this reduce the holiday pressure and fatigue, but it will also make your holiday road driving safer.


Enjoy your holidays, but if you want a ride, call Alert Transportation today at 504-362-4145.